Watch Hulu
With Hulu on TiVo, you can stream TV episodes and movies right to your TiVo box.
This feature is available on:
- TiVo BOLT®(all models)
- TiVo Roamio®(all models)
- TiVo Premiere (all models)
- TiVo Mini
Using Hulu
With Hulu on TiVo, it's easy to find just the right show or movie to fit your mood.
- From the TiVo Central® screen, select 'Apps' > 'Hulu.'
- The first time you use Hulu, you will go through a one-time device registration process. Just follow the on-screen instructions.
- Once you're logged in, you'll see the main Hulu screen.
- To search for a show, press the UP arrow on your TiVo remote to highlight the “Search” field, then press SELECT to bring up the on-screen keyboard. Enter your search term.
To browse, press the DOWN arrow on your TiVo remote to move to the category menus, then use the LEFT and RIGHT arrows to scroll through the menus. - When you find an item to watch, highlight it and press SELECT.
- To go back to the previous screen, press the BACK button on your remote control.
- Enjoy!
Managing your account
Go to the first menu strip on the screen (beginning with “TV”), and press the RIGHT arrow until “Account” is highlighted. Select it to view your account information.